Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger é a quadragésima quinta temporada da série japonesa Super Sentai e foi exibida entre 7 de Março de 2021 e 27 de Fevereiro de 2022, tendo um total de 49 episódios, bem como 3 filmes e 4 especiais que estão relacionados com a temporada.

Um novo grupo de heróis terá que usar toda a sua força para enfrentarem um grupo de vilões que pretendem destruir os universos paralelos. Um herói conhecido como Zenkaizer, com um coração de justiça, enfrentará uma mal gigantesco que foi capaz de invadir o seu mundo natal. E ao lado dele lutarão quatro formas de vida robóticas.

  ● Zenkaizer: Kaito Goshikida
  ● Zenkai Juran: Juran
  ● Zenkai Gaon: Gaon
  ● Zenkai Magine: Magine
  ● Zenkai Vroon: Vroon
  ● Twokaizer: Zocks Goldtsuiker
  ● Stacaesar: Stacy
Outras personagens:
  ● Flint Goldtsuiker
  ● Ricky Goldtsuiker
  ● Cutanner Goldtsuiker
  ● Secchan
  ● Yatsude Goshikida
  ● Isao Goshikida
  ● Mitsuko Goshikida
  ● Great King Boccowaus
  ● Mobile Commander Barashitara
  ● Mechanic Officer Ijirude
  ● Hakaizer
  ● Gege
  ● Kudakks
  ● Kudaiters
  ● Kudaitests
01. The World of Kikai is Kikikaikai!
02. The Gao Beast is Troublesome!
03. A Serious Witch!
04. It's Huge and Noisy!
05. A Sushi Tournament!
06. Unpleasant and Mysterious Garbage Handling!
07. The Prince of the Demon World is Short-Tempered!
08. Door to Door from Another World?!
09. World Pirates, Pleasant Twokai!
10. Blue Sky Day and Night!
11. Everyone's Playing Tag?!
12. Super Slow Snail, a Mussel!
13. Recycling Once Again!
14. Duel! Zenkai vs. Twokai!
15. Tune in! A Sharp Turn into Retro!
16. It's a Magnet at its Limit!
17. Nununu Occult Club!
18. Life is Short, Fall in Love at Full-Force!
19. Zenkai Change, Super Zenkai!
20. Swordsman and World Pirate, A Brother's Promise.
21. Giant Monsters of Great Destruction!
22. Let's Have a Bullfighting Party!
23. Three Great Combos, The Biggest Battle on Earth!
24. The Invasion is Complete! Can You Recapture it?!
25. Start Over! Zenkaiger-kai!
26. Remodeled Prince and Dark Surgeon!
27. A Great Voyage Through Seven Worlds!
28. Weekly Shonen Manga World of Great Illustrations!
29. Do You Know The Prince's Aim?
30. Is the Machine Next Door Persimmon-Eating Destruction?!
31. Full Combination! New Release!
32. Sakasama Gets Angry! Is That a Monkey?
33. Great Teacher Demon Master!
34. Pumpkin Carving Competition!
35. Diamond - A Big One?!
36. The Surprisingly Shocking Great Kidnapping!
37. Grudge Radish, Deep Roots!
38. Your Ancestors! Great Spirit World
39. Infinite Happy Birthdays!
40. Rescue My Father, One Chance!
41. The Slippery Depths of the Noodle Swamp!
42. New Hero! Secret Meeting!!
43. The Weather Chicken's Head is Directly Opposite the Wind!
44. SD Equals Small Plus Deformed?!
45. Is it the Lowest Fortune?!
46. A Little God Who Jumped Out!
47. Enter The Palace! I'm Proud Even In Front of The Boss!
48. Sky Full of Stars, The Dynasty Collapses!
49. My World, Everyone's World
- Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger The Movie: Red Battle! All Sentai Rally!!
- Saber + Zenkaiger: Superhero Senki
- Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger vs. Kiramager vs. Senpaiger
- Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger: Secret Zenkai File
- Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Spin-Off: Zenkai Red Great Introduction
- Movie Release Commemorative Combo Special
- Zenkai Mame Theater

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